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Old Man and the Land

Todd Sheaffer, lyrics - From Good Homes & Rob Calabrese, music
Total Plays: 382

there came a time for the old man when a place of beauty, a lay of land spoke out to him, said understand, you should rest now, i’m an open hand and the man said yes! i’d like the days here i’d like the nights here here I will settle me down i’ll spend my days here the rest of my days here here I will watch the world go round there came a time for the old man when a place of beauty, a lay of land spoke out to him like a long lost friend said stay with me now until the end the man said yes! I’d like the summers here i’d like the winters here I will settle me down i’ll spend my days here rest of my days here here I will watch the world go round and so they lived the man and the land they lived as one until the end and the man sang out I like the days here I like the nights here oh! how the world spins around I like the summers here I like the winters here here I will sleep in the ground here I will sleep in the ground here I will sleep in the ground